FAITH is one of the churches in the Northeastern Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, a member of the worldwide body of Seventh-day Adventists.


Who are Seventh-day Adventists?

"Seventh-day" refers to our belief in the seventh-day Sabbath, (a day sanctified, rested upon, and blessed by God in creation). "Adventist" refers to our belief that Jesus Christ will soon return in person to this earth.


We are....

  • Christians who love Jesus Christ and strive to make Him the center of all we believe and do.
  • A rapidly growing world wide fellowship of approximately fourteen million members.
  • A church that is eager to share the truth about what God is like as seen in the life, character and death of Jesus Christ.
  • A community of Christians deeply interested in health of mind body and spirit.
  • A hospital for sinners rejoicing in Christ's pardon for sin and in His power to deliver us from it.
  • Christians who believe in the divine principle of tithes and offerings for support of the gospel, acknowledgement of God's ownership in our lives, and that we are stewards who must render account to Him of all that He has committed to our possession.